1.       Name

The name of the Association is the South African Development Studies Association (SADSA). SADSA pursues the aims and objectives described below in a multi-, inter- and pan-disciplinary manner.

The vision of the Association is based on the founding values of the South African Constitution, namely, human dignity, the achievement of equality and the advancement of human rights and freedoms.

               Legal status

1.1   The Association is a separate legal entity with perpetual succession and, provided it continues to follow the aims and objectives as stipulated in this Constitution, has the power to acquire, hold, lease, rent and to alienate any manner of property whatsoever; it also has the capacity to acquire rights and obligations.

 1.2  The Association has the power to perform all such legal actions necessary to attain its aims and objectives.

 1.3   All legal or arbitration proceedings are brought by or against the Association in its name and all property is held and registered in its name. No individual member is liable for a debt or any obligation incurred and duly authorised by the Association.

2.       A non-profit association

2.1   The Association is not formed and does not exist for the purpose of carrying on any business that has, for its object, the acquisition of gain by either the Association itself or by its individual members. The income and assets of the Association are applied solely for investment and for the promotion of its aims and objectives and no funds are distributed to any person other than in the course of the undertaking of activities duly authorised by the Association.

 2.2   Except for those expenses necessarily incurred for the Association to be able to operate, no part of the income or assets will be paid directly or indirectly by way of dividend, donation or otherwise to any person. No remuneration will be paid to any employee, office bearer, member or any other person which is excessive, having regard to what is generally considered reasonable in the sector and in relation to the service rendered; no remuneration paid will economically benefit any person in a manner which is not consistent with the Association’s aims and objectives.

 2.3   The Association is not entitled to carry on any trading or other profit-making activities or participate in any business profession or occupation otherwise than in the promotion of its aims and objectives.

 2.4   No donation will be accepted which is revocable at the instance of the donor for reasons other than a material failure to conform to the designated purposes and conditions of such donation, including any misrepresentation with regard to the tax deductibility thereof: provided that a donor (other than a donor which is an approved public benefit organisation or an institution, board or body which is exempt from tax and which has as its sole or principal object the carrying on of any public benefit activity) does not impose any conditions which could enable such donor or any connected person in relation to such donor to derive some direct or indirect benefit from the application of such donation.

 2.5   At least three persons are appointed who accept fiduciary responsibility for the Association and these three persons may not be connected to each other by relationship; furthermore, these persons may not, in any manner, directly or indirectly, control the decision-making powers relating to the Association.

 4         Aims and objectives

4.1   To promote an understanding of national and international development matters,theories and practices  through teaching, workshops, discussion and study groups, seminars, congresses, publications and research and by such other means as may conform with the Association’s aims and objectives as approved by Council.

4.2   To encourage and establish contact between academics teaching Development Studies in order to stimulate cooperative relationships amongst individuals, institutions and agencies in South Africa and abroad that are concerned with the study and promotion of national and international development

5         Membership

5.1   Membership is open to all individuals, institutions, corporations and organisations that are interested and active in the field of development.

 5.2   Ordinary membership is open to all South African residents in possession of postgraduate qualifications or equivalent experience.

 5.3   Associate membership for non-residents of South Africa as well as those individuals, institutions, organisations, societies and associations who apply for and who are granted associate membership by Council.

 5.4   Student membership for bona fide students at institutions of higher learning.

 5.5   Institutional membership. Educational and other institutions, organisations, corporations and associations may be granted institutional membership on application and approval by Council.

 5.6   Honorary members appointed by Council.

 5.7   A person or institution becomes a member on completion of a membership form and on approval by the Executive Council after payment of the prescribed fees.

 5.8   Membership fees

 5.8.1          Council determines membership fees for the different categories of members.

 5.9   Termination of membership

 5.9.1          Those members whose membership fees are two years in arrears lose their membership automatically unless a substantive reason is provided for such arrears and membership fees are paid in full retrospectively.

 5.9.2          Membership is terminated by death or voluntary resignation.

 5.9.3          Council may terminate membership on the grounds of misconduct, serious breach of loyalty or any other conduct which, in the opinion of the Council, is contrary to the aims and objectives of the Association, on condition that such termination is preceded by an impartial hearing and an opportunity is given to the interested party or parties to be informed and to make representation.

7. Organisation, structure and management

 7.1  Management and control

 7.1.1      The management and control of the Association are vested in the National Council and the National Executive Committee.

 7.2 National Council

 7.2.1 Composition

 The National Council consists of the following persons:

                 (a) President

(b) Vice President

(c)    Secretary

(d)   Treasurer

(e)   Nine members elected at a General Members’ Meeting. The term of office of a third of these elected members to expire every two years. Due regard to be given to regional representation.

(f)     At the end of their term of office, Council members may be re-elected, on condition that members may not serve in the same position for more than two successive terms; also, the two members of Council who received the lowest number of votes in the previous election are not eligible for re-election at the end of a term.

(g)    Four coopted members for such period of time and functions as the Council may decide.

  7.2.2 Powers and functions

 (a)    To coopt members and  constitute subcommittees.

 (b)   To compile a Code of Ethics for ratification by the General Members’ Meeting.

 (c)    To make rules and regulations for ratification by the General Members’ Meeting.

 (d)   To exercise all such powers and perform all such functions which the management and control of the Association require and which conform to the aims and objectives of the Association.

 (e)    To confer awards, prizes and bursaries.

7.2.3          Meetings

(a)    The Council to meet annually.

(b)   The President may convene an Extraordinary Council Meeting or must do so at the  demand of seven Council Members.

(c)    A quorum to consist of half of the members of Council; if a quorum is not reached, decisions of the Council only to come into effect at the following Council meeting when a full quorum is present.

(d)   A written proxy may be given by any member of Council who is not present to any other member who is present at the meeting.

(e)   Three months’ notice of Council meetings and two weeks’ notice of an extraordinary Council Meeting to be given to members of Council.

7.3           National Executive Committee

 7.3.1 Composition

 (a)The National Executive Committee consists of the President, the Vice President, the Secretary and Treasurer (as ex-officio members) and three members elected by the National Council from its members.

 (b) Officers of the National Executive Committee are elected by an ordinary majority vote of members present at the Biennial General Members’ Meeting;  the term of office of such elected officers to be two years.

 7.3.2  Functions

                     The National Executive Committee

 (a)                    acts on the instructions of the National Council and performs all such other duties and functions of the Council between Council meetings on the condition that the Council may rescind or overrule any of the decisions taken by the National Executive Committee;

 (b)     fills casual vacancies on Council for the unexpired period of office of the previous incumbent;

 (c)        determines the dates and venues of the biennial Congress and General Members’ meetings;

 (d)                       dispenses with and changes periods of time when, for urgent and cogent reasons, the time periods stipulated in the Constitution were not or could not be complied with; and

 (e)                 determines the programme of the Congress and the agenda of the General Members’ Meetings.

 7.3.3  Meetings

 (a) The President determines the date and venue of meetings of theNational Executive Committee.

(b) The National Executive meets at least once every three months.

(c) A quorum to consist of four Committee members.

 (d) Notice of a meeting to be given at least three weeks before themeeting.

(e)   An extraordinary meeting can be announced at shorter notice (ie less than three weeks).

7.3.4          Functions of officers

7.3.5          President

 (a)    The President convenes and presides over meetings of the Council and National Executive Committee; he or she has a deliberative and casting vote in the event of a tie.

(b)   The President appoints a member of the Council to preside in the absence of the President or Vice President.

(c)    The President performs all such other functions as determined by the Council and the Executive Committee.

7.3.6  Vice President

The Vice President, in the absence of the President, convenes and presides over meetings of the Council and Executive Committee and performs all other functions as determined by the Council and Executive Committee.

7.3.7  Secretary

           The Secretary is responsible for the following:

(a)    compiling an agenda for each meeting

(b)   distributing the agenda and all relevant documents to all members of the Council and Executive Committee at least two working days before meetings

(c)    keeping minutes of all meetings of the Council and Executive Committee

(d)   disseminating information about the Association amongst its members and other interested parties

 (e)   performing such other tasks and functions that may be determined by the Council and Executive Committee

 7.3.8  Treasurer

            (a) The Treasurer receives and has custody of the funds of the Association.

            (b) The Treasurer deals with the funds as directed by the Council.

8. General Members’ Meeting

 8.1       A General Members’ Meeting takes place every second year.  A General Members’ Meeting is convened to constitute the Council and to discuss and decide on matters relevant to the Association.

 8.2      A General Members’ Meeting is also held during the Congress and the members present constitute a quorum. Voting in the General Members’ and Special Members’ Meetings is by the majority of members present.

 8.3      Members may submit agenda items to the Executive Committee for the agenda of the General Members’ Meeting, provided that the agenda items reach the Executive Committee at least four weeks before the General Members’ Meeting.

 8.4      Members to receive, six weeks before the General Members’ Meeting, the names of the office bearers whose terms of office will expire, as well as the notice and agenda of the meeting.

 8.5     Nominations and elections

 8.5.1    Nominations are called for the positions of office bearers and the three additional members whose term of office expires.

 8.5.2    A nomination is signed by a proposer and a seconder, both of whom must be full members of the Association.

 8.5.3    Nominations and the acceptance of the nomination by the candidate to be submitted to the Secretary at least two weeks before the date of the General Members’ Meeting.

 8.5.4      Elections

 (a) The names of the proposed candidates to be announced at the General Members’ Meeting.

 (b) All members present at the Meeting are entitled to vote.

 (c) If there are more nominations than vacancies, voting will be by secret ballot.

 (d) Eligibility for re-election. The holders of the offices President, Vice President and the three additional members, whose terms of office expire, are not eligible for immediate re-election to the specific positions they have held for the preceding two years.

 8.6 Urgent matters

 8.6.1  Urgent matters for consideration by the General Members’ Meeting may be submitted by a proposal in writing to the Executive Committee thirty-six hours before the commencement of the meeting.

 8.6.2 Such a proposal must demonstrate the urgency and be supported and signed by at least five members in addition to the proposer.

 8.6.3 The Executive Committee may accept or reject the proposal.

8.7 Special Members’ Meeting

 8.7.1  A Special Members’ meeting to discuss urgent matters may be convened at the discretion of the Council or Executive Committee or at the written request of at least 15 members of the Association.

8.7.2  The written request must state the urgent reason for the meeting and be submitted to the Secretary.

 8.7.3 If the request is accepted, the President determines the date and venue of the Special Members’ Meeting.

 8.7.4 Members to receive two weeks’ notice of the date, venue and matter to be discussed.

 8.7.5 Only the matter for which the Special Meeting was called to be discussed at such special meeting.

 9. Congress

 The Association holds a biennial Congress at a date and venue determined by the Executive Committee.

 10. Finance

10.1  The Association obtains income from membership fees, grants, bequests and any other income source that is administered by Council.

 10.2 Accounts are kept by the Treasurer and audited by a registered public accountant who is appointed by the Executive Committee.

 10.3 Financial statements are presented to a Council meeting annually and not later than six months after the financial year-end.

 10.4 All accounts and financial statements for the preceding two financial years to be presented to the biennial General Members’ Meeting.

 10.5 The financial year of the Association to be a period of twelve calendar months.

11. Official journal

 The Association commits itself to publishing a journal which serves as the official publication of the Association. The Editor and editorial board of the journal to be appointed by the Executive Committee.

 12. Affiliation

 The Council may, on behalf of the Association, accept membership of or enter into affiliation with any other similar organisation, institution or association which pursues similar objectives and aims, subject to ratification by the biennial General Members’ Meeting.

 13. Amendments to the Constitution

 13.1 This Constitution may not be amended or rescinded except at a General Members’ Meeting called for such purpose, and then only with the consent of not less than two-thirds of the members present and voting at such meeting.

 13.2 No proposal for an addition to, amendment or rescission of the Constitution to be considered unless its terms have been communicated to the Association and notification has been given to all members not less than two weeks before the meeting at which said addition, amendment or rescission is to be moved.

14. Dissolution of the Association

 14.1 A decision to dissolve the Association must be taken at a Special Meeting of the General Members’ Meeting which is specifically convened for such purpose and only if such decision is agreed by two-thirds of fully paid-up members of the Association. For the purposes of such meeting, a duly attested vote of an absentee member in the form of a communication approved by the Council may also be accepted.

 14.2 A motion to dissolve the Association must include the following proposals explaining how the assets and monies of the Association remaining as a credit after the settling of all liabilities are to be dispensed with –

 14.2.1 to any similar public benefit organisation that has been approved in terms of section 30 of the Income Tax Act 58 of 1962;

 14.2.2 to any institution, board or body which is exempt from the payment of income tax in terms of section 10(1)(cA)(i) of the Income Tax Act 58 of 1962, which has as its sole or principal object the carrying of a public benefit activity; or

 14.2.3 to any department of state or administration in the national or provincial or local sphere of government of the Republic contemplated in section 10(1)(1)(a) of the Income Tax Act 58 of 1962.